Jamu Bersalin Lengkap (full maternity herbs) | Herbal code: SM-017

Rules of use for full maternity herbs (Jamu Bersalin Lengkap) :

  1. Jamu I (Herbal number 1) the first day till the tenth day: drink 2 times for a day @ 5 capsules (every morning and evening
  2. Jamu II (Herbal number 2) the eleventh day till twentieth day: drink 2 times for a day @ 5 capsules (every morning and evening)
  3. Jamu III (Herbal number 3) the twenty-first day till the thirtieth day: drink 2 times for a day @ 5 capsules (every morning and evening)
  4. Jamu IV (Herbal number 4) the thirty-first day till the forty:  drink 2 times for a day @ 5 capsules (every morning and evening)
  5. Parem (powder) to the top: 10 grains mixed with hot water and smeared / attached on the upper of abdomen such as: chest, arms, neck twice a day
  6. Parem (powder) to the under: 10 grains mixed with hot water and a little vinegar and massaged on the abdomen down to the feet 2 times a day.
  7. Pilis (herbal for forehead): 2 grains mixed with hot water and attached to the forehead every day until the out.
  8. Ramuan cebok (herbal for flush): 1 sachet boiled with 2 liters of water, filtered and washed for the daily, 1 sachet for 2 days
  9. Ramuan minum (herbal for drink): 1 sachet boiled with 2 liters of water, filtered and drinking the water for daily, 1 sachet for 2 days.

Instruction for powder:

Jamu I – Jamu IV (herbal number 1 till herbal number IV) = one tablespoon of herbal added a little water and added one tablespoon of honey and drink it 2 times for a day.


  • for capsule: $22.5
  • for powder: $20

Herbal code: SM-017

Please click on the picture below to see more details:

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Jamu Bersalin Lengkap Sumber Madu

Kode Jamu: SM-017

Harga IDR:
Berupa Kapsul Rp. 200.000,-
berupa Bubuk Rp. 180.000,-

1. Jamu I, hari 1 sampai hari 10 = diminum 2 x sehari @ 5 kapsul (pagi & sore )

2. Jamu II, hari 11 sampai hari 20 aturan minum s.d.a

3. Jamu III, hari 21 sampai hari 30 = s.d.a

4. Jamu IV, hari 31 sampai hari 40 = s.d.a

5. Parem Atas : 10 biji dicampur air panas & Dibalurkan pada perut ke atas spt : dada, lengan, leher sehari 2 x.

6. Parem Bawah : 10 biji dicampur air panas + sedikit cuka & Dibalurkan pada bagian perut kebawah sampai kaki 2 x sehari

7. Pilis : 2 biji dicampur air panas & dipiliskan ke Bagian Dahi tiap hari sampai habis.

8. Ramuan Cebok : : 1 bungkus direbus dengan 2 ltr air & disaring dicebokkan untuk sehari-hari, 1 bungkus untuk 2 hari

9. Ramuan Minum : 1 bungkus direbus dengan 2 ltr air & disaring diminum sehari-hari, 1 bungkus untuk 2 hari .


Untuk yang BUBUK .

Jamu 1 – Jamu IV =1 sendok penuh jamu ditambah sedikit air seduh dengan setengah gelas dan ditambah dengan 1 sendok teh madu diminum 2 x sehari.

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